20 Jun by Jacalyn Buettner DC Tags: ,

Healthy Eating Recipes

Healthy eating starts with what you drink. Remember that you’re in control of what you eat and your habits, and act accordingly‼ What You Drink Matters Start with Infused water – use cucumber or lemon or …..start your day, drink a glass before each meal Healthy Veggie Snacks You can dip carrot or celery sticks […]
3 Aug by Jacalyn Buettner DC Tags:

Ergonomic Tips for Sitting Pretty

Sitz bones or “sit bones” – this is what we need to sit on to have good posture while seated. When you slouch or tuck your tail you’re straining your low back. Overtime (weeks, months, years) your body will no longer be able to adapt to poor biomechanics and you’ll most likely experience pain. Since […]
10 May by Jacalyn Buettner DC

Adjustments Improve Flexibility

When you’re flexible in your muscles you’re flexible in your mind. I’ve been practicing Chiropractic for over 35 years and find that exercise alone will not correct underlying biomechanical issues and poor posture. While I advocate stretching and strengthening exercises on a daily basis, a hands on chiropractic adjustment restores joint mobility, releases mechanical blocks […]